Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ohh hey, I'm backk in action. Sigh. Have been suffering sooo much. Something big grew at my neck. That's why I got so so so errrrrrr...i forgot that word, but! It means something like not knowing what's happening in the world out there. Except that I still know Obama won. Buahaha. :S

And that thing really freaked me out. I thought it was a TUMOUR or something. Then the motherly traditional doctor told me that it's just something was stuck at my lymphatic system so it got so huge. It's got much smaller now, btw!

Ohh shoot me. I think I fell for him again? I keep imagining him selling chicken wingsssss. Bah. It's been a month now since I last played bball with him. I don't want to say this but I miss him. HAHAHAHHA. I really wish I could say this but, omg, no feelings anymore. bahhhhh bahh black sheep!


Btw, gals! I'm gonna do the tags when I'm free. :D
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