Wednesday, June 4, 2008
heii peee puh! How's life, huh huh huh? Well, in case you overenjoyed yer holiday, today is a wednesday. And another word to say, there are still only FOUR DAYS to school's reopen. Ohhhh, bummer! Kick their asses who invented the word "school". Okay, according to, school here means a place where learning and teaching progess takes place, and where people under college age study as an institution. OMG.

To me, school's just a process of our lives. Seriously, I find school a place for people to hunt for their MATES. Familiar huh. HAHAHAHKS. I'm notta negative person, come on, common sense! You won't hunt for mates in a public toilet, or well, in your principal's room, or your father's bedroom, or your cutie little doggie's kennel, and! Where do we spend most of our time?! SCHOOL! And when there's a cute guy passing by your side with winds blowing, Oooooooh! HOT.

Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in my school. It only happens in a season which occurs everyday. Well, AFTER SCHOOL. (:

And now, friends. Well, thanks to the school, too. I found friends. Where did I find ana? school. Where did i find eeva? school. Where did I find ee lynn? school. Where did i find michelle? school. Where did i find shirley? school. Where did i find yvonne? school. Where did i find fiona? school. AND where did i find joey, chiu yee, esther? SCHOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where're did I learn my form 3 science CHAPTER FOURR? haks! No school, it's KASTURI! :D

Attention, attention! Well, actually it's nothing big. Today's Wednesday, eh? 1 more day, BASKETBALL! :D

BYE! :)

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