whatevahhhh! (:
"I know i'm cute. stop looking at me. "
i was ignored. ):
As you can see, there's one more person in my house. SHE has got medium long hair, shining teeth, devilly figure, pretty face and etcetra. Hahaks. Let's agree with me.
Had a fun dayyy!!!!!!! :D Let's try this one more time next time!!! (: (: (: and ana? he's so in love with you! :D well, i mean THEY.
O.k.k. I'm seriously disappointed in you, David Cook. WHY DID YOU WIN? I'd rather David Archuletta did that. D: I actually gonna break the mirror when i heard. " And yesterday, David Cook won the American Idol Season 7!!! " by FLY FM.
Am still looking forward to basketball! Wow WEEEEEEE!!!
I hope you're near me.