first post of my second created blogsite.
Well, what should I say? STRESS. Homework, projects, and PMR! Diagnostic's still not passed. The papers weren't all returned! After tomorrow and tomorrow, OMG. HOLIDAYYY! And what's most exciting is- BASKETBALL! Ahh, RED, colour of passion. Besides, the colour which i hate t
he most.
Wait fer me, babe. To celebrate my first post, alelujahs. Oo mi to fut. Sejak kebelakangan ini, many kidnap and RAPE cases are being committed. So here, smiling, I wish that everyone here would be XL careful. It's not safe. Why do I say that? (:
Weh, yesterday night, the guard came to our house and said something:
He said that there are one malay guy and a fat woman who said wanna see the daughter named VINCE at house number 30. Omg, it was 12 in the midnight that time! Then they came to our house and turned around here and there with the guard following'em. The guard was having much suspicion so he claimed to ring our bell. The two weirdos said NO NEED and walked off. OMG. GOD BLESS ME. And that malay's name's so called HANAFI.
And plus, mum received a horny call last night. That guy said in mandarin : " Accompany me LAH, I watched too much porns" and blah blah blah then he said that although he's old, he's still very attractive. Wow wee, if i received that, I have no idea what I'll do. Go bless me, I don't wanna say BAD words. D:
Let's now let me promote messenger plus. Download it! And you can hear til you drop. :D
don't trust her.
buhhh ba! (:
yours truly,